Monday, November 19, 2007

Our little "Tree Hugger"

Fall is one of my favorite seasons (until the next season comes along of course). Maybe that's because God created all these, and whatever He puts His hand to is always a beautiful work of art. Now, Phil takes a look at all these leaves in our yard and sees "work". Our entire yard looks like this, and the huge trees in the yard still have some leaves on them. I think Phil is going to "start" on this project tonight. Yesterday, we were outside saying good-bye to our son, Seth and his wife and child (who happens to be our delight). Emma decided that it was time to have fun in the leaves. We managed to get a few good pictures of her tossing the leaves in the air, as she was running everywhere. It was great fun. Then, all of a sudden, she just went up to a tree and gave it a hug and a kiss. I did capture this (surprise, surprise). Needless to say, the politically involved family that we are, got a big kick out of this, followed by a huge political discussion. Obviously, we have some training to do here. Maybe it's time to start explaining some things to Emma?! But, of course, she isn't of voting age yet, so we have time. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Happy Fall!!! Most of all, Happy Thanksgiving!! There truly is much to be thankful for!!!


Anonymous said...

No training necessary, Her mother isn't at all political. I'll teach her my point of view.!!!!

Esther Hilling said...

Have a happy Thanksgiving. Esther posted the recipe you wanted on our blog.