Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's fixed!!

Just thought that I would give an update on the damaged "knitting loom". Phil came home from work (by the way, he didn't act a bit surprised that I had broken a peg...hmm...) got a few tools and stuff from his handy dandy tool drawer and went to work on my "loom". It's as good as new, well almost, one peg is shorter than the rest. Oh well. Not defeated at all, I went back to work on, hmm...whatever it is I'm making. Maybe when I'm finished I'll decide what it is. Is that the way it's done? I don't know. Maybe you figure out what you're making BEFORE you start. Boring!!! See ya! Sue

1 comment:

Candy Girl said...

Dear Sue,
How are you?I miss your meat balls and I think my parents do to.Hope you come down and visit us soon.