Thursday, January 31, 2008
A day off at the Arnold's house!!
It seems as though my kitchen sink looks like this quite often. Is this what happens when you own an old house (our's was built in 1868, so I guess it could be considered "old"). We definately have a "fixer upper". We are really loving it though. Phil and I have enjoyed remodeling our home.
We very seldom have a day off at the same time. He always has Saturdays off, but I always work Saturdays. My day off is usually Thursday, which works well, because that is usually the day Jordana needs me to watch Emma. I always look forward to those times that I can spend with her. Unfortunately, I wasn't needed today, because her Daddy was going to be home. So...I managed to talk Phil into taking a vacation day (it really wasn't hard, he agreed quickly). Well, I said all that to say this.....we got up early to get to work on Becky's room. When we moved into this house (a year ago) her room was the first to get painted. It took 5 coats of white paint to cover the hideous purple that was on the walls. Becky knew how she wanted it to look and we started the process. It was a process that requires time and talent. Phil has the talent, but didn't seem to have enough time. I am so excited!! Because it is now finished!!! Phil is just touching up the touch-ups that he had to touch-up when he touched up. Uh....did that make any sense? I hope you know what I mean. I'm hoping that this afternoon I can put everything back together. I just have some washing and ironing of bedding and curtains to do. Knitting? You ask. What knitting? Give me some remodeling and decorating to do anyday!!! When it's all completely finished, I'll post some pictures! Well, back to work. Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hit right between the eyes!!!
I don't mean to get all serious on you or anything, but I just thought I would share how God spoke to me in my devotions. I was reading in Matthew chapter six and got hit right between the eyes. I won't take time to write out all the verses (you could look them up for yourself) but some things from these verses just seem to jump out at me, such as...."And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field....Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field,.....shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?....Therefore take not thought......for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things,..". Then, the clincher......Matt. 6:33......"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Today, as Children of God, we are told to seek His kingdom and His will first, even before we seek our own well-being. When we truly do this, He promised that He would provide ALL the things that we need to exist. One word comes to mind:PRIORITIES. Without God at the top of our list of priorities, not a single "material" blessing will seem to satisfy. If we put Him at the top of that list, then and only then can we feel His presence and know His peace. You see, this struck me because I seem to have been struggling lately with "Being Content". Oh, don't get me wrong, I know that God has put me right where I'm suppose to be right now. He has supplied every need and continues to do so, but I find myself having these little conversations with myself such as, "Why am I a cashier at Hobby Lobby? I'm a pastor's wife for goodness sake. What am I doing here? How is this accomplishing anything for God? Do you realize the people I have to deal with? Oh, you have no idea how mean and rude some of the customers can be!! I don't deserve this!!" And on and on it can go if I allow it to (I hate to say, but sometimes I allow it to). Today, I have made a vow to make a conscience effort to GET MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. I know Hobby Lobby is where I am suppose to be right now (God GAVE me this job). Believe it or not, I LOVE working at Hobby Lobby. I LOVE meeting all the people (well, most of them). I LOVE to talk, and this gives me lot's of opportunities to do so. So....why do I fret? It's a trick of our enemy. I am resting in God's promise that "..all these things will be added." realizing that I MUST seek Him and His righteousness. Lord, thank you for reminding me to keep my priorities straight!! Isn't serving God just the most exciting thing you ever did experience!?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well, I've gone and done it again. I broke TWO more pegs!! I think that I may as well admit defeat. I hate to say it, but...."knitting", from now on, will probably be referred to in the past-tense. Phil (the patient man that he is) said that he would fix both pegs tomorrow. Hmm..I wonder...should I try again?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It's fixed!!
Just thought that I would give an update on the damaged "knitting loom". Phil came home from work (by the way, he didn't act a bit surprised that I had broken a peg...hmm...) got a few tools and stuff from his handy dandy tool drawer and went to work on my "loom". It's as good as new, well almost, one peg is shorter than the rest. Oh well. Not defeated at all, I went back to work on, hmm...whatever it is I'm making. Maybe when I'm finished I'll decide what it is. Is that the way it's done? I don't know. Maybe you figure out what you're making BEFORE you start. Boring!!! See ya! Sue
Friday, January 18, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Help!!! Christmas is over!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Back to Normal? Me?
Well, anyway, you are probably wondering "Why the above pictures?". Well, let me tell you about them. I do admit that I'm pretty impressed with myself (that doesn't sound right, does it?). Anyway, I got this bright idea. I wanted to try to come up with a simple, versitile centerpiece. The picture on the left is what I ended up with. I started with a simple round mirrored glass (from Hobby Lobby, of course). I wanted different heights, too, thus the tall candle holder, a glass jar with a lid and a christmus mug. I used a candy cane theme and followed through with candy cane candles. I put candy canes in the mug and filled the jar with those "melt-in-the-mouth" mints. I probably could have left this out all winter, but because I was in a hurry (not me!) to see what else could be done, I changed a few things, and I'm ready for Valentine's Day! I replaced the candles, put Conversation Hearts in the tall jar, replaced the mug with a smaller jar and put sour cherry balls in it. Aren't I just plain clever!!! Is it Easter yet? I want to see what I could do with it for Easter. Any ideas? I really should get a life!!!!
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